Transmission Signs
ANSI Z535 & Industry compliant Transmission signs are designed to meet the specific requirement of our utility clients.
Uticom’s Transmission signs are printed using 3M™ solvent based inks and are available in three constructions:
- U2200 Polycarbonate (25-30 Year Durability) – Window grade, UV protected. Sub-surface printed.
- U2200R Reflective Polycarbonate (25-30 Year Durability) – Meets ANSI Z535.2-2011 (12.1) Window grade, UV protected. Sub-surface printed
- U2650 Reflective Aluminum (25-30 Year Durability) – Surface printed per the 3M™ technical bulletin for road signs, engineer grade reflective sheeting and laminated to .063” aluminum.
Contact us or click on the “real-time design session” link at the top of this page for a complete review of your current hazard alerting signs, labels & tags.
Uticom will monitor all applicable National Standards and automatically update graphics to maintain compliance.
Uticom’s Lattice Tower Sign Clamp
Uticom’s Anti-theft sign brackets
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